Multimodal Freight

Multimodal cargo transportation as a type of transport services is the transportation and forwarding of goods on certain sections of the route by various modes of transport. Multimodal transportation, planned and organized by our freight forwarding company, is a technological system of transportation according to a single document. Thanks to an extensive partner base, we have high service capabilities. From the point of view of economic efficiency, our logistics experts determine a plan that ensures the uninterrupted transport process, in which carriers of various modes of transport act as our partners. We have at our disposal universal and specialized terminals that facilitate the rapid delivery of all types of cargo, including groupage. The terminal system allows you to have spare storage facilities with safekeeping, if such a service is required.

By concluding a freight forwarding contract, we take full responsibility for the entire process of cargo delivery “from door to door”.

  • delivery and receipt of cargo at the destination
  • loading, unloading and storage of cargo, taking into account its properties
  • obtaining documents required for export-import
  • checking the quantity and condition of the cargo
  • payment of fees and charges
  • transportation in accordance with the transport characteristics of the cargo
  • customs and other necessary clearance

Multimodal cargo transportation, carried out by us both on modern highways and in extreme off-road conditions, allows our customers to get the highest possible result in terms of delivery times. The guaranteed safety of the cargo is ensured by the level of professionalism and reputation of our company.

Making high demands on the quality and efficiency of our activities, we offer services of multimodal transportation of goods of any volume and in any direction of a consistently high level.


The advantages of the geographical position of Turkmenistan at the crossroads of the main routes of the continent provide an opportunity for our company to profitably use the multimodal transport infrastructure that is being rapidly formed in Turkmenistan to provide strategic transit corridors of Eurasia.

Carrying out international transportation of various cargoes, our company uses such transport corridors as Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Oman, Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan, as well as Afghanistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey, which opens up great opportunities for increasing the volume of cargo transportation in the direction East-West and subsequent docking with the North-South transport corridor. The transport corridor Afghanistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey is a key element for resolving a number of economic issues that are most relevant for Asia. In the future, after the official creation of the Caspian-Black Sea transport and transit corridor, our company plans to carry out cargo transportation in the context of ensuring access for goods from Turkmenistan and other Central Asian countries to European markets.

Additional services

  • Transportation of oversized cargo
  • Cargo certification
  • Security and escort of cargo
  • Warehousing with responsible storage
  • Customs transit domestic and international
  • Customs clearance and declaration