Sea Freight

Sea freight transportation is a financially not burdensome way of transporting large consignments of cargo. It is used when delivery takes place over long distances and another method of transportation is simply not available. Also, cargo transportation by sea may be just a part of the cargo route to the final recipient.

Given the growing transit flow of vehicles from Europe, Turkey, and other countries to Turkmenistan, as well as through the territory of Turkmenistan to the countries of Central Asia, the established stable year-round ferry service between the ports of the Caspian Sea reduces the ways and time of delivery of goods, which ultimately , leads to a reduction in the cost of the final cost of delivery of goods. This, as you know, is the main goal of a well-established supply chain.

Our freight forwarding company constantly delivers by sea and has managed to earn a reputation as professionals in its field. We carefully monitor the safety of each container entrusted to us throughout the route. All containers are under reliable guard, which accompanies them all the way to the port of destination.

When transporting goods from the UAE, Turkey, Russia and European countries, transshipment in ports is an integral part of the logistics chain, because in most cases transportation is carried out using water transport.

In the process of transporting goods from the UAE, Turkey, Russia and Europe in transit or destination through Turkmenistan, the company provides cargo transshipment services in the port of Turkmenbashi.

Transshipment of goods in the port of Turkmenbashi is carried out in two ways:

  • a direct variant of transshipment of cargo without the use of a warehouse, that is, transshipment directly from one cargo vehicle to another. The reloading of various cargoes takes place according to the scheme "wagon-ship/container", "container/ship-wagon", road-ship/container, container/ship-vehicle", "vehicle-car", "car-vehicle", "line container - railway container. The direct option is usually used for small shipments.
  • transshipment of cargo with placement in warehouse terminals for temporary storage with subsequent loading. Cargo terminals of our agents are always located in close proximity to the place of loading / unloading, which allows us to carry out operations in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost. Our company provides agency services and chartering of sea vessels in the port of Turkmenbashi on favorable terms.

The chartering service is a very important service that many companies cannot do without. Chartering refers to the full or partial rental of a vessel, which is needed to transport goods. The vessel can be rented for various purposes.

Vessel chartering is carried out for a period of one or more voyages. It all depends on the specific task and the contract that both parties conclude with each other.

Sometimes chartering is carried out for a specific time period. In this case, the lease does not depend on the number of flights made. The vessel is transferred to the charterer for a certain period. A charterer is a person who has concluded a charter agreement with the owner of the ship or his representative.

Competent specialists in the field of logistics will select a transportation route that will ensure timely delivery at the lowest price. The main advantage of our company is its openness to new ideas for improving the services provided in the field of sea and coastal cargo transportation.

The long experience of our company in the field of freight forwarding allows us to easily solve any issues related to the delivery of goods by sea. This guarantees our customers fast and high-quality forwarding of their cargo without additional costs.

We offer cooperation to each client on the most favorable terms for him, taking into account all his wishes as much as possible. In general, flexible and mutually beneficial relations with the customer are our credo. Our employees will provide you with all currently available information on sea and coastal cargo transportation, as well as competently advise on the services provided by our company.